How to Download Your Data from Futureland

At Futureland, we believe in giving users full control over their data. Here’s how you can easily download your data:

Downloading a Complete Journal:

  1. Navigate to the journal you wish to download.
  2. Click on the “Share” option.
  3. From the dropdown, select “Download Journal”.
  4. Your journal data will start downloading. Depending on the size, this may take a few moments.

Downloading a Single Entry:

  1. Find the entry you wish to download.
  2. Click on the “” (More Options) icon on the entry.
  3. From the dropdown, select “Download”.
  4. Your individual entry will be downloaded immediately.

Downloading a Metric:

  1. Head to your profile. You can do this directly by going to or by clicking on your avatar at the top left of the sidebar and selecting “Profile”.
  2. Once there, tap the Metrics tab to view all of your tracked Metrics.
  3. Find the Metric you wish to download. Click on the “…” icon beside it.
  4. Select Export and choose between CSV or JSON as your desired format.

By following these steps, you can ensure you always have a local copy of your Futureland data. If you need further assistance or have any other questions, feel free to reach out to